Thursday, July 3, 2014

APSI Day 4 The final day!

My brain is mush.  I have learned so much this week.  I only hope I can retain it all to help my students pass the AP tests.  This morning we started exploring AP Central and the Professional Stats community.  I scored a Block Pacing chart from D Starnes for TPS 5th ed.  Since my classroom book is TPS 2nd edition, I'm going to work with the annotated teachers edition that I got this week and supplement with notes and activities from this year and last year's APSI.  I'm going to start tomorrow after a glass of wine and a good night's sleep!

Today's take aways:

1)  I used 4 different colors to take notes this week - my kids need them too.

2)  The  2008 AP test had great multiple choice questions but not great free response

3)  ML has a fantastic globe activity to introduce tests of significance for porportions.  Debbie Reimer from Paschal HS in Ft. Worth told me how she expanded the activity to review confidence intervals before she uses it to introduce a 1 proportion z test.  I wonder if she has a twitter?  She's taught AP Stats for 9 years. I have her email.  I'm gonna ask.  I bet she'd love to blog with us!

4)  Floyd Bullard is fantastic at explaining things.  ML has a special folder for his comments on the AP Teachers Community because they are so awesome.

and finally,

5) sorry 2013 - 2014, you really don't have to write your hypotheses in BOTH symbols and words.

On my way home I stopped at HPB.  I was very disappointed in the one in Mansfield.  Am I looking in the wrong place?  Only 1 shelf 2 feet long was allocated for Stats.  Hmph.  They obviously don't know how important it is!  What will I blog about tomorrow?  #julychallenge accepted!

1 comment:

  1. "Brain is mush." Haha, that is a good/scary feeling, isn't it? I'm attending an APSI at the end of the month, and you've inspired me to record my work on a daily basis, too. Thanks for sharing all of your learnings! :)
